The Talking book is tool which is used to promote good agricultural practices among farmers. Simple, the tool provides basic and unvariable information to groups. Clinisols is seeking partners to develop customized information in local languagues for Burkina Faso farmers.

CLINISOLS facilitates the connection between a group of producers and private operators of mechanization.

Based on interviews and diagnoses, CLINISOLS offers appropriate advice for optimizing agricultural production investments. In addition, CLINISOLS puts a specialist to accompany the partner.

CLINISOLS organizes sessions of animation - sensitization with videos of short durations, "talking books", assimilated by the producers and adapted to the rural areas.

Fields of training:

     Gully treatments;
     The implementation of water and soil conservation measures;
     The defense and restoration of the soil (zai, stone bunds, half-moons);
     Management and maintenance of hydraulic structures;
     Organizational management of production of irrigated perimeters;
     The practice of assisted natural regeneration (ANR);
     Production of organic manure;
     Capacity building on the warrantage;
     Individual or collective capacity building in the field of agriculture in modular form and / or the provision of internships